Uranus House Logo

The name of the store contains the planet Uranus, which governs the higher intellect, astrology and the cosmos.

The planet is considered to be a symbol of scientists, astrologers, astronomers.

It gives us freedom from restrictions and stagnation, a breakthrough and hope for the future. Therefore, we wanted to gather people with the same energies and unite in one place, creating a house.

.Uranus House 

Cross + two semicircles + circle = matter, spirit, soul, consciousness

The Uranus icon can be seen as two semicircles held together by a cross and resting on a small circle. These are two antennas receiving new energy from the collective unconscious in order to transmit it to matter. The small circle, symbolizing the spirit, is the main support for physical matter. The main idea of ​​the symbol is that God lives on Earth in each of us. He awakens humanity to the awareness of the spirit within us.